Page title: Foundations for Eternal Life; Things We Know, Things We Do, Things God Does
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"Building on Foundations for Eternal Life"
Audiobook Chapters and Sections

Building on Foundations For Eternal Life explores truth and deception, understanding and wisdom, from a scriptural perspective. It is intended for believers who want to go deeper in their faith.
Download free AudioBook chapter and section files below.

Book cover image for the book Building on Foundations for Eternal Life

Audiobook Chapter and Section Files For Playing or Download:

The file size in MegaBytes, and length in Minutes:Seconds, are shown next to each file name.

01-Opening Credits and Notes.mp3 (0.8 MB, 1:42)

02-Preface.mp3 (1.85 MB, 4:03)

03-Introduction.mp3 (1.4 MB, 3:03)

04-PART 1 From Truth to Wisdom.mp3 (0.9 MB, 1:58)

05-Ch 1 Truth.mp3 (2.3 MB, 5:06)

06-Ch 2 Knowledge.mp3 (1.6 MB, 3:32)

07-Ch 3 Understanding.mp3 (1.5 MB, 3:16)

08-Ch 4 Wisdom & Faith.mp3 (9.8 MB, 21:23)

09-Ch 5 Growing in Wisdom & Faith.mp3 (27.8 MB, 60:47)

10-PART 2 Understanding Deception.mp3 (0.6 MB, 1:20)

11-Ch 6 Deceived.mp3 (1.5 MB, 3:22)

12-Ch 7 You Can Be Deceived.mp3 (2.5 MB, 5:26)

13-Ch 8 Don't Be Deceived.mp3 (1.7 MB, 3.42)

14-Ch 9 Darkness or Light.mp3 (4.4 MB, 9:37)

15-Ch 10 Spirits of Deception.mp3 (9.5 MB, 20:50)

16-Ch 11 Deceivers Among Us.mp3 (3.9 MB, 8:28)

17-Ch 12 Passivity.mp3 (5.5 MB, 12:02)

18-Ch 13 A Neutral Attitude.mp3 (4.9 MB, 10:42)

19-Ch 14 Deception Goes Both Ways.mp3 (8.3 MB, 18:01)

20-Ch 15 Heresy.mp3 (2.5 MB, 5.26)

21-Ch 16 Test All Things.mp3 (3.6 MB, 7:47)

22-PART 3 Flesh or Spirit.mp3 (0.8 MB, 1:38)

23-Ch 17 Spirit, Soul, Body.mp3 (3.2 MB, 7:05)

24-Ch 18 The Flesh.mp3 (3.8 MB, 8:24)

25-Ch 19 The Spirit.mp3 (4.4 MB, 9:39)

26-Ch 20 Spirit and Flesh in Conflict.mp3 (9.2 MB, 20:01)

27-Ch 21 Other Perspectives.mp3 (5.3 MB, 11:41)

28-PART 4 Common Deceptions.mp3 (1.3 MB, 2:52)

29-Ch 22 Truth and Scripture.mp3 (6.8 MB, 14:55)

30-Ch 23 God.mp3 (5.5 MB, 12:07)

31-Ch 24 Jesus.mp3 (9.0 MB, 19:36)

32-Ch 25 Sin.mp3 (8.0 MB, 17:23)

33-Ch 26 Salvation.mp3 (12.8 MB, 27:59)

34-Ch 27 Self.mp3 (13.5 MB, 29:34)

35-Ch 28 Prosperity.mp3 (11.1 MB, 24.23)

36-Ch 29 Science.mp3 (5.8 MB, 12:34)

37-Ch 30 Division.mp3 (10.1 MB, 22:16)

38-Ch 31 Do Not Judge.mp3 (6.9 MB, 14:58)

39-Ch 32 The Holy Spirit.mp3 (43.3 MB, 94:41)

40-Ch 33 God Told Me.mp3 (27.0 MB, 59:09)

41-Ch 34 Mishandling Scripture.mp3 (24.9 MB, 54:30)

42-Ch 35 The Kingdom of God.mp3 (16.0 MB, 35:04)

43-Closing Credits.mp3 (0.8 MB, 1:42)

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A tree by a stream with the words: a tree planted by streams of water... Psalm 1
The website title: Foundations for Eternal Life